by | Apr 22, 2022 | Fighting for Equality
Fannie Wall, 2022, Acrylic on Canvas, 16 x 20 in. Fannie Franklin Wall 1860-1944 Fannie Wall was a clubwoman, civic leader, community activist, and children’s home founder. A prominent community activist, she took part in several organizations...
by | Apr 6, 2022 | Fighting for Equality
Mamie Till-Mobley, 2022, Acrylic on Canvas, 16 x 20 in. Mamie Till-Mobley 1921-2003 Mamie Till-Mobley was the mother of Emmett Till, who was tortured and lynched while visiting Mississippi in 1955. Only 14, he was wrongly accused of whistling at a white...
by | Apr 6, 2022 | Fighting for Equality
Lydia Flood Jackson 1862 –1963 Lydia Flood Jackson fought for African American civil rights and was a champion of women’s rights. She was an active clubwoman and first legislative chair of the California State Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs....
by | Apr 6, 2022 | Fighting for Equality
Nina Simone, 2022, Acrylic on Canvas, 16 x 20 in. Eunice Kathleen Waymon better known as Nina Simone. Singer, songwriter, pianist, arranger and civil rights activist. Nina Simone 1933-2003 Trained as a classical pianist, Simone’s musical style fused gospel and pop...
by | Apr 6, 2022 | Fighting for Equality
Maria P. Williams, 2022, Acrylic on Canvas, 16 x 20 in. Maria P. Williams 1866-1932 Maria Priscilla Thurston Williams is credited as the first Black woman film producer for the silent crime drama The Flames of Wrath in 1923. Maria P....