by | Jul 24, 2021 | WOCAA Book One
Mary Jane McLeod Bethune 1875 – 1955 The colors of the portrait are inspired by Alice Neel’s Woman in a Pink Hat. Bethune was an American educator, stateswoman, philanthropist, humanitarian, womanist, and civil rights activist. Bethune founded the National...
by | Jul 19, 2021 | WOCAA Book One
Harriet Tubman 1822 – 1913 Harriet Tubman was known as the “Moses of her people”. After escaping slavery, she helped others gain their freedom as a “conductor” of the Underground Railroad. Tubman also served as a scout, spy, guerrilla soldier, and nurse...
by | Jul 19, 2021 | WOCAA Book One
Sojourner Truth 1797 – 1883 Sojourner Truth 2 Sojourner Truth American women’s rights activist. She escaped slavery in 1826 and went to court to free her son in 1828. “If women want any rights more than they’s got, why don’t they just take them, and...
by | Jul 19, 2021 | WOCAA Book One
Polly Jackson birth and death unknown, lived in 1880’s Polly Jackson was an African-American resident of Ripley, Ohio. According to legend, she fought off slave catchers with a kettle of hot water and a butcher knife.
by | Jul 19, 2021 | WOCAA Book One
Edmonia Lewis 1844 – 1907 Edmonia Lewis 2 Lewis was the first professional African-American sculptor. Her brother financed her schooling at Oberlin College. While there, she was accused of poisoning two of her white roommates. She was acquitted of the charge but also...